How I lost $1700 in 1 day. personal development Nov 15, 2022

How I lost $1700 in 1 day.

No, I'm not a gambler, and nobody stole it.

It was just after my daughter's 15th birthday. I opened my email, and there was a new bill, $1700 more than the previous one I signed. What! I exclaimed!

A few weeks earlier, I took my daughter for her orthodontic appointment...

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The Missing Ingredient legacy personal development May 23, 2022
There are essential skills that our youth must master to ensure that they thrive in life as adults and  avoid what I'll call the “missing ingredient outcome.”

When you think of your youth walking across the stage to receive their high school diploma, it's exciting that...

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Building Positive Self-Esteem personal development May 22, 2022

Focus on the positive to compliment and motivate yourself and see both your self-esteem and self-confidence strengthened and grow.

According to Webster’s dictionary, self-esteem is a feeling of satisfaction that someone has in themselves and their abilities. At the same time,...

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Be A Life Long Learner personal development May 11, 2022

Lifelong learning from is defined as the provision or use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people’s lives in order to promote the continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfillment.


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Mentors In Print personal development May 10, 2022

 When you read a book on the topic of your dreams, it's as if the author is guiding you and answering your questions.

Have you ever gone on vacation to a theme park, watched a movie, or attended an event? Someone told you about it either in words or pictures. They planted a dream in your...

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Mentors In Person personal development May 01, 2022


Knowing what we know now, we want to reach out to our youth because our hindsight can be their foresight.

Regather “The Village.” The village has shifted. It has dispersed. The village here refers to the community that cares for and helps to raise children positively. The...

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Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Work / Life Balance personal development Mar 07, 2022

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated is an inside job. You might do an excellent job at creating the right environment and getting the requisite resources to...

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